Dr. Yaron Bromberg Racah Institute of Physics, Danciger B Bldg, Room 12302-6584614 | yaron.bromberg@mail.huji.ac.il
Inbal Gezehan-Deutch Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Feldman Bldg.052-8590352 | Inbalgez@savion.huji.ac.il
Or Gross Institute of Plant Sciences, Bldg. A, room 2110 (ground floor)052-4358417 | orgross3@gmail.com
Dr. Smadar Harpaz-Saad Institute of Plant Sciences, Bldg. A, room 2111054-6964060 | smadar.harpaz@mail.huji.ac.il
Orna Kessler Teaching and Learning Center, School of Education, room 40902-5880324 | orna.kessler@mail.huji.ac.il
Adrian Kramer Dormitory manager, Frank Sinatra Bldg. room 32202-5881539 / 02-5882992 | adriank@savion.huji.ac
Neomi Maimon Institute of Plant Sciences, Bldg. H, room 3106 (ground floor)054-8820975 | neomim@savion.huji.ac.il
Daniella Michaeli Unit of Diversity, Management Building room 418050-7461694 | daniellami@savion.huji.ac.il